
Providing Governance reporting, measuring of member activity and building reports to improve member experiences.

Superannuation Trustees

Superannuation Trustees- Member Insights

Superannuation Trustees have a lot of responsibility in regards to their members. In 2019 APRA and ASIC reiterated that Trustees are responsible for ensuring that Financial Advisers when charging fees to their clients accounts actually provide services for those fees. 

The April 2019 letter states:

“All trustees must have in place strong governance, risk management and oversight processes to ensure that only authorised and appropriate fees and other charges are deducted from members’ superannuation accounts.”

Our solutions are designed to quickly and efficiently consolidate data from multiple systems including adviser CRMs as well as product information. This is then used to provide trustee level reporting on how Financial Planners  engage with members. We are able to construct Ongoing Service periods and delivery of services within those periods.  Consequently our solution provides the backbone for governance.  

We also provide support for regulatory reporting as well as tracking member experiences across data sets.  

We use statistical techniques to identify baseline conditions, key factors that influence outcomes, trends in the data and differences over time.

We employ various reporting and data visualization techniques from Microsoft Power BI to Excel  to present information in a usable format, from mapping to dashboards to interactive interfaces.  

Key Services

  • Primary and secondary data collection
  • Data cleaning
  • Data tracking and reporting systems
  • Data analysis and modeling
  • Data visualization

Example Reports

Turn Complex into Meaningful

Implement Quickly

Adapt to Changes